Democracy and influence

A højskole stay is largely what you make of it – together with all your højskole friends, of course.

We expect you to participate in the community

Højskole takes place all the time 24/7, and not just for classes and meals. You live and work at the højskole while you are a student here, and your life here includes great freedom. We expect you to use that freedom in the best way – namely by taking initiatives and getting involved in the community.

Be active in a committee

One way you can get involved is by being active in a committee. The committees ensure that something happens in the free time, at weekends and at parties. By being active in a committee, you make use of your co-responsibility and have influence on everyday life at the højskole.

Anyone can set up a committee. Committees can have any focus. Committees can exist for an entire course or just for a short time. Committees work for everyone at the højskole. The committees develop the community.

Committees can, for example, be:
Student council | Food committee | Party committee | Activity committee | Café committee

When you experience responsibility for the community you are part of, it has a huge impact on your stay at the youth folk high school.

The college creates the framework – you help create the content!